Document Scanning


We can convert virtually any type of paper to almost any image format (Adobe PDF, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, BMP, and many more). These image files are then burned onto a CD/DVD and mailed back to you with your documents.

We can also convert paper or images into text, called OCRing (Optical Character Recognition), to be edited, searched or used in one of many applications.

Your documents can be archived exactly as they appear on paper in portable document format (PDF), can be made searchable, or can be scanned with OCR and exported as editable Microsoft Word or Excel documents. Word documents translated to PDF (e.g., scientific reports) can incorporate scanned images, sidebar bookmarks, and imbedded hypertext links to other documents or web sites.

Backed by years of industry experience we offer your company the best scanning services possible. Scanning begins with careful attention to document preparation followed by tested and proven scanning procedures. Images are captured using high-speed document scanners providing the best balance of quality, speed and cost savings. During the process, an experienced operator makes threshold adjustments to achieve the best possible image capture. Extensive quality control procedures, experienced project managers, trained operators, are all the right ingredients to deliver the highest quality scanning services available.

We utilizes state-of-the-art document imaging equipment, and advanced scanning, file management, and optical character recognition (OCR) software. We are dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable document scanning and conversion services!

Virtually any type of document can be converted into an electronic file. Any business can benefit from using electronic documents. Contact us to discuss how your business can take advantage of our document scanning and imaging services. A document imaging specialist will be happy to assist you!


  • Cost reduction: Increase in productivity means overall cost reduction and more output. You can cut your administration costs significantly and increase your profits
  • Cost Savings storage space: A room with full of documents can be scanned and fit in few DVDs or in small hard drive.
  • Easy document access at many locations at once: Same digital documents can be accessed from many locations at once
  • Disaster Management of Business Continuity Plan: Scanned documents are safer then paper. It can be backed up online or offline and can be re-instated whenever required
  • Information Search & Retrieval becomes handy, easy and quick: Information search and retrieval can be done with few clicks and it is less time consuming then retrieval of paper documents
  • Improved Efficiency: Document management system helps in improving efficiency of management and staff by saving their time and energy in document retrieval. The end result is great improvement in efficiency and more business


If your paper is piling up and you need to clear some space - Give us a call.  We can help.